Hair Care Instructions

You’ve made a BIG investment in purchasing your bundles so let’s go over some things that will enhance your hair and ensure the longevity of your bundles.
Once natural hair is cut from a donor's head, it stops receiving much-needed nutrients that nourish and keep the hair soft, shiny & tangle-free. It's vitally important to maintain and treat your natural hair extensions with the appropriate maintenance products that will maintain softness, a silky luster and continue to be tangle-free. It’s critical to the health of your real hair as well. The process listed below is simple and will leave both, your extensions and natural hair, feeling clean, smelling good and refreshed. 
Do I have to seal my wefts?
No, but sealing the wefts of your hair can help to extend the life of your weave. This is an option and should be done prior to any install. It’s one that is certainly useful for weaves that are more curly and/or wavy in nature. You place more pressure on the stitching of your curly and/or wavy weave as you run your fingers through your hair as opposed to natural wave and straight hair.
How do I wash my bundles?
Before you begin washing your extensions, detangle your hair. It’s a very important step prior to shampooing your hair. Ensure your hair is free of tangles or snares (especially at the back of the neck). Use a wide tooth comb or a detangling brush to gently brush out your hair extensions. Always brush or comb hair from the bottom up and in small sections at a time. The more careful you treat your extensions the longer they will last. Secure your attachment when brushing or combing your hair.
Wet your hair slowly and apply shampoo generously. (I would recommend you use mild shampoos & conditioners; preferably sulfate-free and silicon free hair care products.) Do not massage or rub the hair against itself.

Gently comb hair with your fingers to remove any tangles and wash in a downward motion. Rinse shampoo out thoroughly. Apply a moisturizing conditioner. Use your fingers to work the conditioner into your hair. Place a shower cap over your head and let sit for a minimum of about 10 minutes. Then rinse conditioner out thoroughly. 

Once you’ve washed the conditioner out, blot dry with a towel. Do not rub but rather pat dry.  While your hair is still moist, apply a Frizz-Ease to your hair. The general rule of thumb is to allow your hair to naturally dry (air dry), instead of using a hair or blow dryer. This is almost essential when you are wearing a curly or wavy pattern. 
The key to taking care of your extensions is regularly washing and deep conditioning them. This helps to prevent oil and product buildup, which can leave hair looking dull and limp. Curly textures require frequent shampoos or co-washes to look its best hair. 
Can I use a heating instrument on my hair?
Yes, but make sure that you apply heat protectant spray to prevent damage.  Just as your natural hair you should keep heat to a minimal. The more heat you use, the shorter the life span of your hair. Use heat in moderation. High temperatures can damage the hair. It may also permanently alter the hair texture, dry out, or lose its naturally protective cuticle layer. 
What are heating instruments?
Heating instruments are described as flat-irons, curling irons, wands, blow dryers, etc.
What else can I use to curl or style my hair?
You may also use other alternatives to curl or style your extensions. Flexi-rods curlers are a great way you can curl your bundles without utilizing heat. Pillow rollers and hair setters can also style your hair to perfection without heat. 
What can I use to get my hair glossy?
Spray a small amount of Argan, Almond or Coconut oil 2-3 times a week or when required. Argan oil is a great finishing oil for styling and frizz but, it’s a dry oil and does not moisturize the hair as well as Almond or Coconut.
What if I hair tangles?
In order to de-tangle your hair, take a paddle brush and work out all of the tangles. Always brush from the end of the extension to the weft. Do not put a lot of force into this, as this can lead to breakage. Once the tangles have been removed, you can then put liquids such as conditioner into your hair. Leave the conditioner in your hair until it reaches your desired softness then, rinse with lukewarm water. Blot your hair dry with a clean towel and allow it to air dry.
Why does my hair tangle?
This is something that happens to everyone at some point. This can happen if your hair is long, curly, dry/damaged, not regularly brushed or washed. It’s imperative to brush your hair regularly as it will prevent your hair from tangling. 
Can I go swimming while my extensions are in?
Yes, braid your hair so it will not tangle. You may braid it in any style that you desire. Just ensure the ends of the braids are secured so the braid doesn’t unravel.
What shouldn’t I do to my extensions?
DO NOT split the weft or cut the wefts. Cutting the wefts will damage the thread of the weft, hair will shed easily and be harder to maintain to the attachment of the weft.
DO NOT use brittle brushes as they tend to latch onto hair fibers and rip the weft.
DO NOT tie your hair back or pin up too tightly (especially when wet.) This pulls and stretches the hair wefts causing it to shed or split.
DO NOT use hair dressings such as grease, jams, spritz and gel. These types of dressings will result in oil buildup, weighing down the hair, increase chances of tangling and can lose its natural texture.
DO NOT use products that contain alcohol as it will dry your hair out.